Opportunity: The Modern Era Of The Industrial Revolution

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Thomas Edison, once stated the “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. This statement may hold true for some, however in the era of the Industrial Revolution this was not the case. They knew what hard work was for many it started as early as six years old up to adult hood. Many had to work long, grueling working hours in dirty, dusty conditions. They didn’t miss a chance for changing their lot in life. However they may have been making money, but the wages were small and the living conditions bad.

The modern era of the Industrial Revolution began in Britain at first textiles was done in peoples homes with the progress so slow and time consuming most people of the day only owned one to two shirts. Families were growing, it was stated in the sources book that, “The ultimate check may be to population appears then to be a want of food arising necessarily from the different ratios according to which population and food increase (Sources, pp. 161). However, things …show more content…

The modern era was a time when things evolved from were it was with the witty ideas and hard work that people put into making it all work together. It wasn’t all about dark times of cruel child labor, and with them having no education. However that was taking a change for them also with the Labor Reform Act, it changed many of their conditions for the better. In the aspect of modernity, which means the quality or conditions of being modern, it is a break from the past. For example, changes from working in small cottage homes, making their textiles, small tools to large factories and mills, also making large ships out of iron was a huge break from the past. In other words, work was still hard as jobs are still hard today, however, the new modern machines of the past took a small load off of the

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