Operant Conditioning

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Through operant conditioning principles the method of learning through applications of structured rewards and punishments for certain types of behaviors is applied. Certain components that are applicable to operant conditioning principles include positive reinforcement, or “favorable outcome that are presented after the behavior” (Cherry, 2014); negative reinforcement which would effectively result in the removal of an unfavorable event or outcome after displaying poor behavior. While both of these are a reaction to an action, there are positive and negative punishments that are the result of such conditioning as well.
Given that Ethan frequently disrupts the classroom, a viable negative punishment would be to have him sit out in the hallway by himself for a period of time before allowing him to come back into the classroom. By doing this he will be alone to think about what his behaviors are doing and how they are disruptive while also effectively having him miss out on a fun portion of the class. To address issues of Ethan blatantly disobeying orders, this can be remedied through negative reinforces such as providing candy or a reward to those that are following the rules and no rewards for those that are not; in this case it would be Ethan. “In these situations, a desired response is strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant” (Cherry, 2014) and Ethan being left out of receiving a reward would likely be unpleasant for him.
Finally, to address the issue of bullying and physically pushing other children, this type of behavior is absolutely inappropriate and should consistently be met with negative punishments such as being sent home, being sent to the principal’s office, or being required to sit in his chair...

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... and disobedient in high school and blamed such behaviors on my being upset that I wasn’t on my own yet and I was too ‘sheltered’ I later learned that I should be humbled in what I am doing as I was struggling on my own for the first few years. This was the progression of behavioral changes that occurred in my life essentially transferring from a rude and dismissive teenager to a responsible and humble adult. Had I not disputed the fact that my initial surroundings were the cause for my unhappiness, I would have not acted in the ways that I did, would not have suffered some of the consequences that I had and ultimately would have not had the same experience which would have led to different results as an adult.

Works Cited

Cherry, K. (2014). Introduction to Operant Conditioning. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/behavioralpsychology/a/introopcond.htm

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