Open Volunteer Coordinator Position

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Hello, I am writing to you today to express interest about the open Volunteer Coordinator Position. I heard about this open position in the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum Website and I am very interested in the position. I believe that I would be well suited for this position for various reasons. While working for the Department of Public Safety at Siena Heights University as a Dispatcher, I was promoted to be a Welcome Center Coordinator. As a Welcome Center Coordinator for the Department of Public Safety,I have been expected to be a leader to my other coworkers, helping them as needed, scheduling their hours, as well as evaluating their work. I have also been expected to recruit, and train new employees to ensure they can fulfill the demanding job requirements. I would be able to utilize this prior experience when working with the museum's volunteers. Other skills I have gained by working as a Dispatcher and a Welcome Center Coordinator are as follows: customer service, leadership, organization, time management, critical thinking, and computer skills. Another skill I am proud to have, is the ability to teach others. I worked for two years as a high school bowling coach at Sand Creek High School and as a History Tutor. In my time as a coach, I was expected to work with the youth and teach them the sport of bowling. During this time, I was able to work with a variety of students. For example, I had the pleasure of coaching both cognitively impaired, and foreign exchange students. These students allowed me to grow as a coach because I had to change my teaching style to ensure they learned the sport. As a tutor, I worked with my fellow students to ensure they understood the material covered in class, as well as help them formulate their …show more content…

I will be able to learn and contribute to the museum if I gain this position. Thank you for your time and

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