Carney Sandoe Personal Statement

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The intentions of this paper are first to establish a personal statement for the Carney Sandoe institute: a Global Faculty Recruitment, Leadership Search and Strategic Consulting Service for Independent and Like-Kind Schools. With over 35 years of experience, Carney Sandoe is a leader in Independent School recruiting. My personal statement both markets me to Independent schools as well as reveals my stance on educational psychology. The rest of this paper will extrapolate my educational psychology stance by first identifying the context in which I will be an educator and then defining my developed understanding of the role of teacher and learner. Carney Sandoe-Personal Statement: Greetings, I envision a school which defines its neighborhood, and even its town. This school makes a positive impact on all generations by encouraging the learners to become teachers in their daily lives. A school such as this fosters a love …show more content…

I intend to make each student feel valued and cultivate a sense of belonging in my classroom. During my time as a teaching pastor, I developed a learning curriculum for ages ranging from Middle school through adult education. While teaching the Middle school and high school range students, many students felt comfortable discussing personal topics with me beyond their school work. Some students would confide in me about family matters at home or opine about a topic they were formulating in their heads. The pastoral care classes I took at Princeton Theological Seminary have prepared me to handle a wide range of subjects including sexuality, identity, and abuse. Additionally, Princeton has provided me with the ability to practice psycho-dynamic therapy and feel comfortable in a counseling setting. Overall, I intend to develop strong relationships with students and win their trust by engaging in meaningful conversations on the toughest issues facing

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