One Day Trip Lorde Analysis

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The selection thesis: “Lorde’s eighth grade graduation was supposed to mark the end of her childhood. But it was her Fourth of July graduation-present trip to Washington, D.C. that enormously marked the end of her greenness, because there she was with confronted the abrasive reality of racism. “The picnic is seen to be Lorde’s mother’s idea which indicates how she takes care of her family as a whole, due to the fact that she provided two different kinds of pickles, covers the peaches individually so they don’t get discolor, and places them in a tin of rosewater for untidy hands. As a way of being a good mother is proven by Lorde’s mother like packing the items her family will need, such as “the marigolds from Cushman’s Bakery and rock-cakes from Newton’s” which is described in the paragraph 4. …show more content…

Even though Lorde’s mother possibly thought in her heart that packing the picnic was the best way to conserve her family secure from food touched by the hands of strangers. Also it was a way to shelter her children from the racist situation that they could more likely encounter at the railroad dining car. In brief, the picnic preparation was an evidence of Lorde’s mother avoiding such repulsiveness at all expense. There were two reasons provided by Lorde for her incapability to comprehend with her parents’ reproach against white people. Henceforth, Lorde’s parents never really gave her any explanations or reasons; they just assumed she should to know without being told as seen in paragraph seven (7) the reason behind their caveats and the bases of their feelings concerning white people. Moreover, she has complications acknowledging such a decree from her mother as she narrated to

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