One Day Short Story

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A long time ago, there was a great nation which aggrandized through peace and prosperity. In fact, they had not encountered any foes for a great time, only dealing with amorphous invaders who were quickly taken care of. Even though they were a peaceful nation, its army was far from sleazy. A young boy, whose name has been long forgotten, strived to be the one of the greatest warriors in the nation. His insular attitude was due to his brother, who was a high ranking soldier at the time. As the boy grew older, his sedulous personality stuck with him, and spent a great amount of time in erudite study of combat. He was the archetype of fighters, and was noticed by the leader of the nation himself. He was a gossamer man, who did not appear to be …show more content…

Many other nations could not understand the inscrutable peace within the walls of the cities, and remonstrated with a thirst for battle. The man led the army, and reverberated with a force so great that any enemy nations would quickly be beaten. One day, a great army filled with scurrilous soldiers started to march towards the boundaries of the peaceful nation. The leader of the nation, who was now frail and old, told his army to fight, but have his former student stay behind, to protect him from any danger. The man was querulous, because all he could do was watch as the army charge into battle, knowing that a great amount of blood would be spilled. He grew tired of waiting, and left his post to go fight alongside his brother. He fought for what seemed like forever, but his resilience continued. Once he was sure that his allies could handle the rest of the forces, the man quickly went back to his leader’s post, to inform him the battle had been won. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. The great leader was on the ground, with a fatal wound through his chest. As the man’s brother came into the room, he immediately comforted the distressed fighter. After he mourned the loss of his former teacher, the man went to the council to inform them of what …show more content…

The main official spoke up, saying that the great warrior was to be executed the next day for the murder of their nation’s leader. The man repudiated, stating that he was in the middle of the fight when the leader was murdered. However, they still found him guilty, not listening to his defense. Speechless, the warrior left the hall, thinking of his next plan of action. He was determined to find the real assassin, and prove his innocence, but most importantly avenge the man who taught him to be a fighter. Early the next morning he quickly left the city, heading towards the domains of the opponent in the previous battle they fought. His former home put a great bounty on his head, and branded him with the nickname of: the unforgiven. The man found humor in this, and gave himself a nickname too, the wanderer. With nothing but his sword and determination, he continued to travel to find his

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