Disillusualism In Chickamauga

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Disillusioned Actualities
In the short story “Chickamauga”, the author Ambrose Bierce uses a young boy to connect to his audience with what is the disillusions of war, then leads them into the actuality and brutalities of war. Bierce uses a six year old boy as his instrument to relate to his readers the spirits of men going into combat, then transferring them into the actual terrors of war.
In the beginning of the short story, the young boy is already imprinted with the ideas of war from his father. His father was a former soldier who “had fought against naked savages and followed the flag of his country..” (Bierce 41). The image of war that is imprinted on the young boy from his father is that of nobility and righteous that comes from war. …show more content…

The boy awakes from a night of being lost in the woods, a product of pushing the lines of his invisible enemy deep into their own territory and the fright of an unfamiliar animal. He arose to a sight that he is unable to comprehend; that what he is seeing could even be a creation of war. What the boy is confronted with is a horrific and stomach churning scene of “maimed and bleeding men” (Bierce 43) that “crept upon their hands and knees.” (43). Being confronted with the ghastly scene the boy’s ideals of war blind him to the reality of what he is witnessing. An idea that Bierce portrays that even with the sights of battle many men are blinded by their own machismo and idyllic of …show more content…

After he goes to ride the soldier, he his flung from his back and actually sees the soldier, “a face that lack a lower jaw – from upper teeth to the throat was a great red gap fringed with hanging shreds of flesh and splinters of bone.” (Bierce 44). This is the first glimpse the boy comprehends of the true devastation of war. And at this point the child has his first rational reaction,“terrified at last, ran to a tree near by, got upon the farther side of it and took a more serious view of the situation.” (Bierce 44). The author is using the childes revelation of the violence in war to introduce to his readers the devastation of

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