On What Makes An Explorer In William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation

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What Makes an Explorer? In Of Plymouth Plantation (1630), the author, William Bradford exhibits the struggles he and his group went through to survive their exploration. Bradford led a group of Puritans and traveled on a disease-infested ship with poor conditions in order to arrive at Cape Cod. Upon their arrival, they were greeted with almost no civilization and nobody to aid them. They soon realized the land that they arrived on was abandoned Native territory, but still decided to settle there. Throughout their stay, they struggled with starvation, disease, and fear of being attacked by the savages. They eventually undertook a minor attack from the savages and had a small battle where no one was injured, and a little while later, a bold Native presented himself to the explorers and spoke to them with broken English. It turned out that he had come to make peace and help the Europeans. The Pilgrims began to get along with …show more content…

Someone is considered an explorer when they expect to go through tough obstacles and challenges. Explorers also need to have initiative to get things done and strive even when things get hard in order to achieve something. They had the strength and initiative to fight through life-threatening conditions in order to colonize a part of modern America. A popular example of exploration today would be space exploration. Astronauts and engineers go through very dangerous courses, launches, and landings, and some have even died, while many have succeeded. One specific case of successful space exploration was when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. The exploration of the moon answered many questions and provided substantial information about space. Explorers are a very important part of what makes modern life, because without them, we may not have founded new land, had any technological advances, or discovered anything to make the world a better

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