Oliver Stone's JFK Assassination

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On November 22, 1963 the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy was assassinated and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Oliver Stone’s JFK portrays New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, and his quest to find the truth behind the assassination of JFK. Along the way, Garrison is shown finding substantial evidence that he believes changes the entire conclusion of the Warren Commision thus disproving that Oswald was the sole killer. The film goes on to “prove” that the entire assassination was a plot created by military branches in the government in order to increase the budget for military purposes. The conspiracy links the assassination to even higher forms of the United States Government. All because Kennedy sought a peaceful end to …show more content…

One example of an exaggerated character would be Oliver Stone’s portrayal of New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw. In the movie, Garrison talks about Shaw having connections with the CIA which is very suspicious in his opinion, and since he was involved with the CIA, he had more reason and ability to assist in the assassination. In reality, the Cia did release statements that Shaw was involved in CIA functions, but not as described in the movie. Since Shaw was a businessman he often traveled to areas of the world that were under communist control. So in conclusion, he was brought in merely as a consultant for the CIA.The movie continues to falsify Shaw’s personal life by continuously stating that he is a very active homosexual which in the 1930’s was a very shameful and in some cases illegal lifestyle to lead. Shaw’s sexuality has never been proved to be homosexual or non-homosexual therefore not giving the movie evidence enough to prove that he was homosexual. Another important fact about Shaws’s overall character is that he was a highly decorated War Hero as a result of his service in World War II. Oliver Stone’s JFK depicts Shaw as a monster who is obsessed with sexual deviances as well as the murder of President Kennedy when in reality he was very active in his community and helped the local economy of New Orleans. Another example of how JFK is an inaccurate movie is the portrayal of “Mr. X” or more commonly know as Leroy Fletcher Prouty. In the movie “Mr. X” is portrayed as being an all knowing character who knows the true motive of JFK’s assassination and how the government at the highest levels was involved. This portrayal of Prouty is very inaccurate in the sense that Prouty was crazy to some extent. Prouty believed very firmly in the fact that the holocaust was not real as well as the fact that L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, had magic

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