Of Tantra And Tantricization Of Modernity In The Book 'Outside The Chakra'

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Outside the Chakra: Modernization of Tantra and Tantricization of Modernity in the “Sacredsecular” Works of Lata Mani, Madhu Khanna and William Schindler Anway Mukhopadhyay, Doctoral Candidate and JRF, Dept of English, BHU While Gavin Flood argues that the scripturally entextualized “tantric body” of medieval India was deeply embedded in tradition and that the “tantric body” celebrated and “reified” in Western modernity is different …show more content…

Only a boat remains, an eye painted on it. The novelist says that this eye can weep. Hence, even after the cathartic disaster, “maya remained”. Partha Chatterjee, referring to this novel, argues that our colonial modernity embodies this maya, this obstinate infatuation with our pre-modern pasts which embodied both the loathsome and the beautiful. Like the storm suffered by Walter Benjamin’s Angel of History, the flood faced by the chandal in Antarjali Jatra is an apocalyptic vision of the advent of modernity, a violent rupture that is necessary yet painful. On the other hand, the map of the “sacredsecular” modernity that Madhu Khanna, Brother William and Mani seek to draw begins from little things - a dewdrop or a flower - and is grounded in an ecology of love that is captured in this remark of Irigaray: “Love is not an explosion or implosion but an …show more content…

Within the body, there are the six chakras. And there are also the chakras of the secret rituals which are closed spaces of transgression – where you can defy the constrictions of orthodox Hinduism. But the tantricized modernity I am talking of takes us out of these closed chakras, and places us in an enormous lotus, a chakra that is the whole universe. In this ultimate and all-inclusive chakra, the integrative circle of cosmic existence figured as the Sri Chakra in the Samayachara tradition, we become, as Mani and Frakenberg’s Devi Amma puts it, the creaters, the symbols of the freedom the creator has gifted us

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