Of Mice And Men: Film Analysis

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The film Of Mice and Men starts with a dramatic chase scene. The camera first shows a woman in a red dress. The red dress appears to be ripped, and the woman’s face shows that she is scared. About a minute later, the camera shows that two men are being chased by many police officers. This hook is interesting and intriguing because the viewer needs to watch the entire movie to find out what happened to the two men and the woman. The story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and the movie Of Mice and Men are very similar. The storylines are the same, but a few scenes are added in the movie. One of the scenes that was added was the scene with the girl in the red dress running from George and Lennie This scene was used as the hook, as previously stated. The movie benefits from this scene because the viewer is able to know that Lennie and George did something wrong but it is not clear what they did. Therefore, the viewer wants to know what happened and continues to watch. Also during the hook, the director used lots of different camera angles. The camera zoomed in on the woman in the red dress and camera zoomed out many times to show the setting of the characters. These camera angles made the movie better because the viewers were able to see not only the characters …show more content…

There are three main themes shown: friendship, loneliness and compassion. One scene that shows friendship is when Lennie tells George that if they could afford ketchup, he would give it all to George. The theme of loneliness is shown when Crooks explained to Lennie that he could not hang out with the other men at the ranch because of the difference in race. The theme of compassion is shown when George shot Lennie quickly and without pain so he would not have to suffer the consequences of killing Curley’s wife. These themes are beneficial to the movie because they are important messages that people should have the opportunity to

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