Oedipus The King: Sophocles, Polyneices, Antigone

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Oedipus was born in Corinth and later moved to Thebes. He killed his father and married his mother. He was king of Thebes. The name Oedipus stands for swollen foot which came from his own swollen foot. Oedipus and his mother , Jocasta, had four kids: Eteocles, Polyneices, Antigone, and Ismene. On his way to Thebes with the second shepherd to gain his possession, he came across his father, Laius. Laius was on his way to the Oracle, Oedipus and the chariot driver started arguing about who had the right of way. The fight ended with Oedipus killing the chariot driver and his father. When Oedipus got to Thebes he was honored and crowned king by Creon and his uncle. He came acrossed the Sphinx which asks everyone the same question and no

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