Oedipus The King Research Paper

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In the Greek tragedy, Oedipus the King, Sophocles writes about fate and what it is to be blind to the truth. Many Greek tragedies consist of tragic heroes. A tragic hero is someone who can possess many qualities, like being born of noble status and is destined by the Gods to inevitably lead to their own downfall. According to Aristotle, “The tragic hero is a man of noble stature. He is not an ordinary man, but a man with outstanding quality and greatness about him. His own destruction is for a greater cause or principle”. Oedipus is a tragic hero because he contributed to his own destruction, and he acquires a tragic flaw, that is recurring in the play. In the play, Oedipus the King, Aristotle makes it clear that the six traits find its …show more content…

His definition entails of a peripeteia from good to bad. In the same way, this is what occurs to Haile Selassie as well. This effect will reveal his hamartia, and it will lead to his downfall. The actions of Haile Selassie make him a tragic hero, because he, himself, experienced a change of events. “His reforms greatly strengthened schools and the police, and he instituted a new constitution and centralized his own power.” Selassie did have good intentions, and planned to bring about a plethora of changes, based on what he has done to help the country already. He also introduce many social reforms and these impacted the country positively. Granted that, he also wanted to mend Ethiopia from the beginning of his ruling. Haile Selassie even changed his name, after he was made emperor, of course. Oedipus has not changed his name, but has also wanted to do well for his people, much like that of Selassie. “Speak out, before all of us. The sorrows of the people here mean more to me than any fear I may have for my own life.” (pg. 9) Oedipus cares very much for the people of Thebes, and will do anything in his power for them. He is willing to take initiative to fix the problem. He is very determined to find the underlying cause of the pestilence and how to rid the city of it. Oedipus, also during the entire play, he was trying to find out the murderer of Laius, just so that the plague would be lifted. In a like manner, to Haile Selassie, who was also driven to help the economy and the people of his

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