Odysseus Is An Epic Hero Essay

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After fighting in war for 10 years and stuck at sea for another 10 years, all Odysseus wanted was to get back to his home and his family and finally he does because he is and epic hero. An epic hero has recognizable human characteristics including human faults. Odysseus fits the definition of an epic hero because he is quick thinking, strong, and he has a thirst for glory.
Odysseus quickly planned to give the Cyclops wine causing him to fall asleep so that they could then stab him in the eye with a hot pointy spear they make. Odysseus also quickly came up with the idea of tying himself to the mast and covering his men’s ears with thick coats of beeswax in order to pass the Sirens and everyone survive, while making himself the only man to hear their voices and survive. “You at the tiller, listen, and take in all that I say - the rudders are your duty; keep her out of the combers and the smoke; steer for that headland; watch the drift, or we fetch up in the smother, and you drown us.” This quote is when Odysseus is given two choices in which both will have a bad outcome. Odysseus very quickly decides that he is going to tell his men where to go but he doesn’t tell them what is going to happen so that they don’t freak out. …show more content…

After being away from home for 20 years and struggling to get home Odysseus never gave up. He kept fighting and trying with all that he possibly could to make it back to Ithaca, this shows that not only is Odysseus physically strong but he is mentally strong as well because it has to be hard to know that your child is growing up without you and you don’t know if your wife still waits for you or if your family is even still around. While Odysseus was still disguised as a beggar he watched all the suitors attempt the string his bow but none of them could do it. Then when he tried he did it effortlessly, shocking all the

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