Occurrence At Owl Creek

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The short story that stood out to me the most was “ An Occurrence at Owl Creek”. It was about a man who was a plantation worker who was familiar with a bridge and did not want it destroyed by Civil War members. The man did everything to prevent it from being burned so the members of the union killed him,the man. That was not right for him to be brutally murdered for his beliefs. This is what brought me to the title of this essay. “Stand For What You Believe In”. Stand up for what you believe in. You should do so because, when you stand for something that you have strong beliefs in, this could boost your self confidence, you will gain self integrity, and also develop self respect. These three examples of why you should stand for what believe …show more content…

Those five sources consisted of reasons why we should stand for what we believe in. For instance, in my first source which is “http://sheerbalance.com/5-reasons-to-stand-up-for-your-beliefs/” it stated we should stand for what believe in for many reasons. These reasons were because standing up for what you believe in helps build self confidence, it works because according to the excerpt I listed it says “When others dictate what we should think, feel and do, it eats away at our self-confidence. We begin to distrust our own instincts and lose the ability to decipher what we really believe versus what everyone wants us to believe. Although it may be difficult at first, the more we stand-up for ourselves, the more we build our self confidence. It takes guts to express an unpopular viewpoint…it takes guts to say no when it is so much easier to say yes…and it takes guts to risk losing a job, friends or opportunities because someone won’t like our opinion. However, the more you tap into your “guts,” the easier it gets, and the more confident you’ll become.” This specific source gives examples of how to be self confident and also how to speak up for your beliefs. I selected this source for that very reason. I also picked it because I strongly agree with with the composer of that page was saying. I feel that those things stated above are steps to becoming self confident. The next source I selected was …show more content…

To be exact it says “ If you didn’t say or do anything about it at first, you lose your right to criticize or participate in it further. It’s your responsibility towards your own conscience to make it heard and known. And honestly, no one’s going to change it if you can’t stand up for it. For that, you’d need a firm belief in yourself. If you can’t believe yourself, no one else would.” I agree with this source because it absolutely backs up or supports my original claim for “Stand Up for What You Believe In”. I feel it supports my claim because as I said previously if you don’t stand for something people will bully you to believe anything, and you will appear to be easily influenced or weak willed. They will try to dictate your thought and feelings towards anything if you allow them. My next source also brings details in and states important information that supports my claim n why we should stand for what we believe in. “https://standforyourmission.org/what-we-believe/” I believe this source is helpful in this case because I stated if we do not stand for what we want, think or feel then we are basically trying to fulfill the needs of others. In this source it states “The fact is, our respective missions will never be fulfilled if we are relegated to accepting the decisions that are made without us. Our

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