Why Is It Important To Stand Up For What You Believe In

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It’s important to stand up for what you believe in because it shows you have pride in yourself and not caring what others have to say. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in even if you stand alone, it is easy to stand with the crowd it, takes courage to stand up alone and believe what is right for you. For example, standing up for what you believe in you can help others by speaking up when they need help, or you feel like they need it. Especially when racism is happening Everyone has equal rights, everyone is the same, we are all human, if you see racism happening most people would not say anything or help them out, if i ever see that happen in front of me i would speak up to the person and tell them, what they are doing is wrong …show more content…

We all want the same equal rights, we all want to be respected well, but for that to happen we have to respect others too the way you want to be respected. In school, many people like doing things you’re not supposed too and many students don’t stand up because they are afraid something will happen to them or they may think everyone will start calling them names for telling on that person what they did. There is times where you can stay quiet and not stand up but most of the time you have to stand up for your belief and stand up for what is right because you would like it for someone to stand up for you and help you out. Feel free to stand up to what you believe in. Never let what others might say turn you down, people’s belief will differ from yours, no one will ever have the same beliefs as you..it is up to you to stand up for what you believe in because no one else can read your

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