OEU 4 Literary Analysis: "Looking For Alaska"

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Looking For Alaska, by John Green, is a creative literary work detailing the issues of love and loss in teenage life. The book’s unique point of view, dialogue, and themes help to make it an excellent work that is well-worth the read. While many other examples of literature include these elements, Looking For Alaska does it a little differently, and for the better. This is an excellent novel, and its unique elements only add to the story. The first element of John Green’s novel I’d like to discuss is its point of view. The entire story is told in a first-person style from “Pudge” Halter’s perspective. I believe the book’s author chose this point of view to allow Pudge to tell his story, and to more easily introduce characters such as the Colonel and Alaska. That’s exactly what it does, too - the point of view effectively conveys the story almost exactly like one might see it. While the narrator is generally a pretty reliable source, some things are told subjectively, or told as Pudge saw it - just as one might tell a story to their friends. The point of view chosen by the a...

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