Nutrition Assignment On Nutrition

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Nutrition Assignment Healthy eating is vital, good food make people live a healthier life but unfortunately not everyone eats healthy daily or keep track of their healthy eating. This assignment is to help students keep track of the foods and drinks they consume daily, and what kind of food nutrients they are missing or completely having based on their food or drink intake. Another purpose for this assignment is also help students to become aware of what kind of diseases they might likely be risk at and what cautious steps they might take to either prevent or deal with the issue. According to my dietary analysis, some of my dietary strengths are protein, carbohydrate, and vitamin C. The food I eat on most days contain good amount of protein, …show more content…

I am not only aware of the bad diet I have, but now I have become aware of possible diseases I might be at a risk in the future. I have been telling myself for months I will change my bad habit of eating too much junk food, and drinking too much sugary drinks but I have not push myself enough to end this habit. No more excuses, because I am putting my health in danger by eating food and drinking drinks that is slowing damaging my body and health. I will start with throwing the junk food I keep in the refrigerator, from there I will start buying food that are healthy. Instead of buying junk food at places like MacDonald, I will avoid taking the road that will lead me there. I will try and stop complaining about how I dislike working out, and force myself to workout at least three times a week. I will try and cut out my overeating habit as well, I will start eating my meals in small size portions. One of my new habits from now on is, I will start keeping a journal, where I will write about my progress of heathy eating, drinking, and regular exercise. Whenever I start falling back to my bad habits, I will make sure to read the journal and my dietary analysis from this assignment as reminder of why I should not go back to damaging my

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