Nuclear Bomb Dbq

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Throughout the history of human civilization, wars resulted in a relatively low casualty count compared to the future. World War II was a major turning point. The creation of the nuclear bomb was a major development in the way wars were fought. The nuclear bomb was first developed by the United States in fear of the Nazis making it before them ( Staff). This bomb had the capability to mass murder tens of thousands of people instantly, and many more over time through harmful radiation poisoning ( Staff). While it may have expedited the war with Japan, the development and use of the nuclear bomb by the United States Military on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unjustified because of how it sparked the age of nuclear weapons and …show more content…

It was made by The United States in fear of The Nazi regime developing it first. The first atomic bomb dropped by the United States was called the Little Boy. It was dropped on Hiroshima on August 8, 1945 and killed 90,00 people. The second bomb, named Fat Man, was dropped three days later in Nagasaki and killed 40,000 people ( Staff). Thousands of innocent, civilian lives were ended in a matter of seconds, while those that survived had to endure painful burns and other injuries. Even those that were not in the blast radius were at risk because of the harmful effects of nuclear fallout ( Staff). (Analysis) Supporters of the United State’s use of nuclear bombs say that despite the huge loss of human lives, it was justified because it expedited the end of World War II and saved soldier’s lives. They argue that if the United States had not dropped the bombs on Japan, they instead would have launched a full-scale invasion that would lead to the deaths of thousands of American and Japanese soldiers ( Staff). This argument is flawed because it values the lives of American soldiers over the lives of Japanese civilians. As a society, we cannot justify mass murder of a group of people by saying that it saves the lives of another group of people. Humans who are not actively fighting in a war should not be used as a target. If the United States had not dropped the bombs countless soldiers would have undoubtedly died, however many more defenseless Japanese citizens would be safe from the destructive power of the nuclear bomb. Condemning one group of innocent people to death and destruction in order to save the lives of soldiers can never be used as an excuse for any military

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