Nothing But The Truth Analysis

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Nothing but the Truth was released in 2008 and was known as a drama film written and directed by Rod Lurie. The main characters name was Rachel Armstrong who was a reporter for the Capital Sun-Times. She had a son names Timmy who was in school with a girl names Alison. Rachel discovered that one of the fellow mothers at Timmy’s school named Erica Van Doren, was working as a covert operative for the CIA. She had recently returned from Venezuela, where she was doing an investigation of the assassination attempt on the President of the United States. Rachel, being the ambitious reporter that she is confronted Erica and began requesting conformation of the information, Erica refuses to cooperate, however Rachel had no doubt in her mind about Erica’s recent trip to Venezuela. The story Rachel had written became front-page news with the support from editors Bonnie Benjamin and Avirl Aaronson who were the newspapers legal counselors. Revealing a covert operatives identity is a criminal offence, because the individual who happened to tell the information to Rachel could be a major threat to national security. Rachel was brought into court and was demanded to reveal whom her source …show more content…

Erica Van Doren was murdered which was believed to be a determined attack for the information that was leaked. Even after this attack Rachel still defended the principle of confidentiality a position, which soon estranges her husband, son, and costs her embattled newspaper millions of dollars in fines and legal fees. Dubois, known as the federal prosecutor was only interested in Rachel’s original source, and again Rachel said that she could not give up her source and that they would have to deal with the death of Erica. As time went on the judge finally decided to release Rachel from jail, but on the day she was released the U.S. Marshals arrest her for obstruction of justice and convince her to take a deal for a shortened

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