North Of Beautiful Research Paper

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I read once that in today’s day and age over 50% of girls starve themselves to lose weight. Why do they do this? Because they’re trying to fit into society’s definition of Beautiful. Beauty goes deeper than that, as Justina Chen in her novel North of Beautiful defines it: “beauty - real everlasting beauty - lives not on our faces, but in our attitude and our actions. It lives in what we do for ourselves and for others” We as humans were told from a young age that you had to be a size 0 to be beautiful. You had to have blonde hair and blue eyes, and you should always know and keep up with the everyday fashion. Everyone strives to look like the models on the cover of their favorite magazine, or their favorite Hollywood star. Society tells everyone from the moment they’re born that they must fit into this stereotype to go far in life, and to be “beautiful”. If someone doesn’t fit into these categories for some reason they are outcasted. These outcasted people aren’t given the time of day. People judge others without even knowing a person, and these judgements are made on appearances. People are put into categories based on how they are perceived by a particular person. There’s more to a person than what’s on the outside though. …show more content…

What is this inanimate thing people are trying to achieve? To me beauty comes from not what you look like, but what qualities a person possess that stand out. Beauty is when someone is able to laugh at their mistakes and learn from troubling times. Beauty is being able to accept the fact that you’re not perfect and be able to accept your flaws. With all the negative people in today’s world that’s a blessing, because there will always be someone telling you you aren’t good enough or you’re not pretty enough to do something that you have your mind set on. Ignore them because you are beautiful! You are good enough to do

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