Nonspecific Resistance

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According to Tortora, Funke & Case nonspecific resistance refers to defenses against any pathogen, regardless of species; specific resistance refers to defenses against a specific pathogen. The skin and mucous membranes are the body's first line of protection against pathogens. Whereas mechanical factors include physical barriers to entry or processes that remove microbes from the body's surface, chemical factors include substances made by the body that inhibit microbial growth or destroy them (Tortora, Funke & Case, 2004). Skin consists of two layers the dermis and epidermis. The dermis is the internal, thicker layer of connective tissue. The epidermis is the external, thinner layer, is in straight connection with the external environment. …show more content…

Phagocytosis acts a second line of protection. According to Tortora, Funke & Case phase one, in the phases of phagocytosis, is chemotaxis and adherence of microbe to phagocyte. Phase two, is the ingestion of microbe by phagocyte. Phase three, is the formation of a phagosome. Phase four, is the fusion of the phagosome with a lysosome to form a phagolysosome. Phase five, is the digestion of ingested microbe by enzymes. Phase six, is the formation of residual body containing indigestible material. Phase seven, is the discharge of waste materials. Granulocytes and agranulocytes are both phagocytes. Granulocytes consist of neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils, which has visible granules inside the cytoplasm. Agranulocytes have granules in the interior of their cytoplasm, but they are not visible under the light microscope after the …show more content…

The hypothalamus regulates the body temperature. The hypothalamus is occasionally called the body's thermostat, and it is typically set at 37 degrees Celsius. According to Medical Prep Institute of Tampa Bay molecular defenses, is interferons and complement that destroy invading microorganisms. The complement system entails over 30 proteins formed by the liver and found flowing in serum. Interferons are antiviral proteins formed in reaction to viral infection. Interferons are host cell-specific but not virus specific. Normal microbiota modifies the environment, which can stop the growth of pathogens. Humoral immunity is within body fluids. The humoral immune system encompasses antibodies made by B cells in response to a specific antigen. Antibodies mainly protect against bacteria, viruses, and toxins in blood plasma and

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