Non Modifiable Health Promotion

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The purpose of this paper is to identify a certain individual, provide background information on this individual’s current health status, and lastly list specific health promotion interventions for the chosen individual. Aging plays a significant role on our bodies, this is why we need to stay on top of our health and implement health promotion techniques. There are some key factors affecting a person’s health status, which are modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable risk factors are things we cannot change such as our age and gender, and modifiable risk factors are things we can change such as weight, diet, and activity level (Touhy & Jett, 2012). Case Description The person I chose to interview for purpose of this paper is my grandfather. My grandfather is …show more content…

Some simple and easy ways to promote one’s health and well being are increased exercise, a nutritional diet, involvement in community activities, and fall prevention measures. It is important for us as individuals to play close attention to our activity level, nutrition, and health status as we age, in order to prevent or decrease the effects of chronic illness. Some common chronic health conditions among the elderly population are diabetes and high blood pressure (Touhy & Jett, 2012). As nurses, we play a significant role in healthy aging and the promotion of health for all individuals (Touhy & Jett, 2012). As nurses we assess our patient’s health, educate our patients on ways to promote and improve their health and give them specific ways or “interventions” they can preform to maintain their health (Touhy & Jett, 2012). Being a registered nurse myself, this paper has given me the opportunity to talk to someone I love and learn about their health status, and then further provide education on ways to improve their health status currently and for the

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