Nneka Arimah's What It Means When A Man Falls From The Sky

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“Wild” is one of the twelve short stories of Lesley Nneka Arimah’s collection “What It Means When a Man Falls From The Sky.” This engaging short story is about rebellious Ada and how she learns the hard way that her behavior is immature and unbecoming. As readers, we learn that what children really need is unconditional love and acceptance of their raw personality by watching how the opposite plays out through this story. Looking through the lens of Reader-Response Criticism, we learn from examining the characters, theme, setting, plot, and point of view that pushing children to be perfect and obedient, can many times make them cripple under the pressure. To start off, this story is meant to discuss that just because a child goes to the ‘right’ …show more content…

We see these mother-daughter relationships often in Arimah’s stories and a main focus in ”Wild.” So much of this story is about the interactions and inflictions of the two mother and daughter relationships shown in this story, that of Ada and her mom and then that of Chinyere and her mom, Ugo. Arimah likes to mix things up and give us an un-rosy picture of the mother-daughter relationships by having the two not see eye to eye. Auntie Ugo’s frustration with Chinyere really shows through as we hear her conversation with Ada, “‘You know, we did everything for that girl, everything. The best schools, the best everything.’” (Arimah …show more content…

The beginning parts of “Wild” introduces us to the characters, we get to know Ada’s rebellious nature. As we learn more about her recklessness and carefree personality we get excited for what’s to come later in the story. The plot builds suspense when we expect Chinyere to be a perfect daughter and member to society after hearing Ada’s mockery of her mother’s praise, “Chinyere was such a sweet girl; Chinyere went to church, so why couldn’t I; Chinyere was so obedient” (Arimah 27). After reading this, we imagine Ada and Chinyere differing personalities and imagine what the rest of the story will be about. However, when we first find out that Chinyere is just as reckless as Ada after reading, “Chinyere explained that her mother didn’t allow her to have a mobile anymore and she wasn’t allowed to go anywhere or do anything” (Arimah 23), we are pleasantly

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