Night Racing Creative Writing

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When I step into the alleyway a shadow casts over the wall, there’s a light glaring over the cars in the street as they pass by. The street is old with potholes and dumpsters, a church with windows shattered from thrown stones and a collapsed ceiling. The memory of home lurks in my mind, but I can't look back, I hear someone shout “Zander!” I start to bolt, running as fast as I can. Repeating in my mind “you can't go back!” As the thoughts run through my head, I decide I need something to eat and sit down to clear my mind. I sit down in a booth, I start to order but I fall back dizzy as my hands turn numb. The next thing I know I’m laying down with an IV hooked up to me. I ask “what happened?” But no one will talk. I start to get …show more content…

I am laying on a bed in a cell of some sort, smaller and darker than what you see in movies. As time passes, I hear sounds of footsteps getting closer, guards come running past my cell. They are all armed. They stop a few cells over, then someone shouts. “no... you can’t!” and silence. I shiver in fear thinking “that could be me next.” The guards walk back carrying a motionless detainee, not a normal man, more of a lizard with scales and a tale but with the features of a human. Hours passed before I heard the stamping of the boots again, he was still unconscious when they put him back. As I struggle to find something to do, I noticed a crack in the wall. I look at it to inspect it, but it's just a crack. Then, as a guard opens my cell, another guard rush in and corners me. He steps up with a needle and jabs me in the neck, slowly everything gets blurry but I try to hold on. Nothing I do will help. I try to get out, but I'm too far gone to do so, then I …show more content…

I shrug it off and get up. I ask, “where are we going today? Is there a goal for this escape?” Inspecting the fire “We are heading west to California?” Gary replies. “On foot? And why California!?” I exclaim “Well, how are we going to get there any other way? It's the only place where I know someone who can undo this.” staring at his hands. Lucas wakes up from sleeping to the left of me and with no hesitation, I state “So, we heading to California.” Walking this far is starting to put a strain on my legs and stomach. We have no money and only I can go into places, the other two will just scare the people inside. Nothing I think of will work. We have no way to get money for food. I suggest taking a break, but they just look at me. I stop “We have been walking for 2 hours!” “Ok, ok I'm getting tired as well” Gary finally admits. So we try to find somewhere to sit. I find a nice tree and sit under the shade as Lucas and Gary join me. “I suggest we find somewhere to get food and water,” I

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