Night of Broken Glass

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I awoke to the sounds of the street. Crying infants and the deep husk of gunpowder assaulted my senses as I blinked sleep out of my eyes. Harsh unnatural light shines through my bedroom door, disturbing the sleep of my little brother on the opposite bed. Yanking the covers off, my feet slap against the cold stone floor sending shivers through my body. Stumbling over to the mirror, my reflection glares back. My family tell me that I was really cute as a baby, the keyword used here is “was”. Now, I just look tall and lanky, all elbows and knees and sharp points with no curves at all. But don't get me wrong I love how I look, I just understand that I will never be “pretty” But I don't really mind, God loves me as I am or why would he have made me like this? Glancing over at the calendar I notice that today is the Sabbath, a holy day for my family. “Chizkiyahul, what time is it” askes Alexander, my younger brother who was still in bed half asleep. “Time for you to get up I think, little man” I reply as I walked over to the window. “But I don't wanna get up” complained Alex, “Does it r...

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