New Belgium Marketing Strategy

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Companies all over the nation are trying to become an environmental friendly during their day-today operations. Going green has become a significant trend within the United States. When a company goes green, the business will more than likely benefit from their actions. Going green makes perfect business sense although it can be costly (Crootof, 2014). Global warming damages a business because pollution can affect the price of product and services. A company that has followed the green transformation is AmerenUE's real power company. AmerenUE has officially been cleared by the Center for Resource Solution (CRS) to be green-e certified (“AmerenUE's Pure Power,” 2007). Ethically, a company should run a good, clean, and efficient business. Another company that displays great “green” attributes is New Belgium Brewery. New Belgium brewery focuses on cost effective ways of operating that cause no hard to the environment (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014). …show more content…

New Belgium marketing strategy includes taking every action to brew their beer using the latest technology to keeping the environment safe. New Belgium is extremely successful when it comes to operating environmental friendly. The company’s go green approach has their customers falling more and more in love with them. New Belgium Brewery is successful because they allow their customers to tour the brewery to see first- hand just how green they operate. Their new brewery in Ashville provides customers with a futuristic and environmental look. New Belgium has used their go green approach to generate more sales which are why they have become one the largest breweries in the United

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