Negligence In Woburn

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A Civil Action portrays a fictional account of the real legal case pertaining to the hazardous waste site in Woburn, Mass. The waste site affected its surroundings, and in particular, Woburn, Mass. The waste site contaminated the river in which the community of Woburn used to drink from. Due to the water contamination, the children in Woburn have been dying of Leukemia. Although we are still ignorant of the exact cause of Leukemia, the contaminated water did affect people. W.R. Grace, the company that contaminated the water, is guilty of negligence. The company failed to take reasonable care to protect the community of Woburn from harm. I personally see three main elements of negligence in this court case. The elements are duty, proximate cause, and damages. …show more content…

A presence of care can be as simple as a mother feeding her child, teacher protecting his or her students from an intruder, or making sure the passengers in your car are wearing seatbelts. W.R. Grace failed to provide a presence of care to the community of Woburn. The way W.R. Grace waterproofed their leather was unsafe to the environment and affected the Woburn community tremendously. They simply poured hazardous chemicals, in particular trichloroethylene, on hanging leather. Just like if you poured water on a table, the trichloroethylene spilled and went onto the ground. Eventually, the trichloroethylene contaminated the water. As well as the barrels and excess debri the company threw into the river. W.R. Grace fails to provide care for contaminating water or even fails to prevent this in the first

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