Negative Effects Of Hip Hop

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Half of all americans think that as a musical form, hip hop has most likely reached its peak and will not get any better. It may be because hip hop is the most recently developed genre and it has not had the time to develop as strong and loyal as a fan base as the other musical categories have. However, people of every age group including those 18-35 voted hip hop likely to have peaked, Now that 's a bad rap (60 Minutes 2). Hip-Hop music does influence society in a positive way.

Today 's rap music reflects its origin in the hip-hop culture of young, urban, working-class African-Americans, its roots in the African oral tradition, its function as the voice of an otherwise underrepresented group, and, as its popularity has grown, …show more content…

In the past, rap music has been criticized for its obsession with the high life, with the wearing of the most expensive clothes, the driving of the fanciest of cars and the watching of the most absurdly oversized home-entertainment systems.But what if we were to tell you that such flights of fancy can actually have a positive,socially beneficial effect?

That is the theory being put forward this week by Cambridge University’s Department of psychology, who offer the viewpoint that upwardly mobile rap can actually benefit those experiencing mental health issues.(Cashmore 1). People may not want to listen to rap music because of the violent lyrics but really those lyrics can make a person feel different about the world. Some people may not believe it but some of those lyrics actually inspire you to do better. Not all rap music is bad music that 's what society fails to …show more content…

It is essential in representing the strong african heritage and it 's importance can be seen in many aspects of culture (Gaines 1).

According to rapper Jay-Z, rap has changed America immensely to improve race relations and has done more than any leader or politician. In fact, the influence that rap music has on my life has been more powerful than anything else. For example, rapper Diddy created a slogan, “Barack the Vote”, in 2008 to encourage young adults to vote for Barack Obama. Although I was not old enough, I wanted to vote for Obama. This slogan played a major role in the voting process because people were coming to the polls with Diddy’s cliché on their shirts, hats, and even their bumper stickers. Rap doesn 't only influence people 's lives but it also influences the way we dress. If a rapper wears clothes by a certain designer or a particular brand, then we are more likely to want to wear the same thing. Moreover, rap impacts the way people speak. Rappers have a distinct “slang” that youth everywhere can identify with. Rap is unique because it speaks to the listeners in a way that nothing else

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