Native American Dbq Essay

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Europeans arrived in the New World set to vanquish and create oppressive rule, with no regard the Native civilization originally there, affect the concord of their relationship for years to come. As the European arrived in the Americas, they never learned to be unified with the Native Americans because they primarily misunderstood them, and they only viewed them from one perspective. European exploration offered an obstacle in terms of adapting to the new found land as well as dealing with the Nations that had claims to the vast lands already. When the Native Americans and encountered the colonist they had mixed views and vice-versa, which eventually led to confusion and immense conflict. This effort of only seeing what they wanted to see …show more content…

According to written primary source document two, Christopher Columbus the of the indigenous a simple, honest, incompetent, fearless, and safe, which are not effective terms. For what Columbus did not know, was that the Indians were not simple nor honest, or incompetent. When the Spanish came over to the New World they were looking for glorious land to colonize and these native were inhabited on it already, wealth, and a foundation to spread their religious beliefs. In visual primary source, document one, the map of Tenochtitlan shows that the Native had such organization and intricate structures, as far as the buildings and the location of their city henceforth showing that the people had some aspects of complexity in their culture vs. simplicity. Additionally, the Indians weren't honest because during their account of the Europeans arrival in written primary source document one, it was actually written years afterwards the initial experience, therefore making it partially inaccurate or dishonest. Overall, this shows how explorers, like Columbus misunderstood the Native …show more content…

Owning land, had a major importance to the likes of the Europeans because they felt that it showed their country’s wealth and political power. Great Britain sent over people to colonize in the New World for the idea of merchantilism, which is a parent country establishing a colony in a new location in efforts to produce wealth for the economy. The natives felt that you couldn’t own land, but they believed that anyone one could use it, and they learned how to survive on the land and live in peace. The Europeans misunderstood this concept and they built settlements and changed the land, so that they could economically produce to make their country politically successful. This miscommunication between the two parties led to strife and discord, and the leading up to the enslavement and cruel treatment of thousands of natives. In the visual primary source three, Spaniards are in control of enslaved Indians as they work in the silver mines. The brutal action of the Spanish explorers are best portrayed by visual primary source four, where a Spanish conquistador is beating a young Incan as his mother begs for mercy. All in all, the controversy and misapprehension over the primary subject of land ownership spurred conflict between the two groups, and enslavement, and injustice of the

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