Native Americans Argumentative Essay

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In the beginning the settlers created the heavens and the earth. For, America was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the continent. Why is it that we look at the early settlers with such admiration? We view them like gods, where America didn’t exist until they came along; and, once they finally made it through that first thanksgiving turkey, then only good ever came about because of them. Now, you may be saying to yourself: “Thank goodness I’m more educated than that! I know that they were mortal, and even killed Native Americans sometimes.” But do you know what really happened? Do you actually care about the Native Americans more than just being sorry they’re on reserves? Let’s start from the very beginning where America …show more content…

The diseases they brought along with the wiped out massive amounts of the Native Americans. To the point where large sections of the continent turned into wilderness. Not only did the explorers and settlers bring death to humans, but also to the ecosystem. Where there once was forest and prairie, there is simple farmland now. Where a group of Native Americans could have hunted and survived, they could now only relocate. In the end, then when the settlers finally started to become a nation, then one of the first things they did was consolidate and relocate the Native Americans. Still referring to the Native Americans as savages, and making little to no effort to learn their ways or live together, they stole their land and had them trek across the country, so they could be someone else’s problem somewhere else. As a result of these actions, I do not believe it accurate or appropriate for us to view the settlers as we now do. They were nothing more than refugees bringing death and destruction to an entire continent. So, next time you are enjoying that thanksgiving play put on the by local elementary school, how about you take a moment to remember that America didn’t just happen when the settlers arrived. There were real people that lived real, valuable lives here before they arrived, and all the settlers did was clear the way for their

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