National High School Rodeo Research Paper

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365 days a year you practice for the one moment of victory or defeat. I was 16 years old when this moment happened for me. The National High School Rodeo Finals where held in Gillette, Wyoming from July 16th, 2017 to July 22nd, 2017. At the rodeo over 1,500 competitors from Australia, Canada, and the United States competed in the week long rodeo. In each of the 13 events one person is crowned a World Champion. In addition, one cowgirl and one cowboy is the All-Around World Champion. This year, I competed in the event of breakaway roping on my sorrel roping horse Jaylo. The warm Wyoming night started with Patricia and I warming up our horses. Patricia is my age and has a bubbly personality, making her fun to be around. As we were riding around, we talked about everything and anything in order to stay calm and not become nervous. Once the grand entry started however, I went to the roping arena and Patricia went to the goat tying arena. The announcer said the Cowboy Prayer which was followed by the Australia, Canadian, and the United States National anthem. After that, I tied my string on and it was time to rodeo. As I was waiting in line to rope I met these awesome people. Taylor Marshall was a girl I met from Montana and I also talked to Lauren Conkwright from Kentucky. I was the first up out of the three and we all wished each other luck. …show more content…

This was my cue to go to the holding chutes because I was up soon. Back there I saw my other friends from Pennsylvania waiting to help push my calf. My dad kept trying to keep me clam, I said I wasn’t nervous but he didn’t believe

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