National Debt Persuasive Speech

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Is the us national debt out of control, That is the question here yes it is we shouldn't have a debt so large when we are practically the biggest and worst state of all 50 of them so why is the debt so large it's because we borrow things such as money and guns and ammo anything that costs money we borrow. Why act sooner than later? If we act now we could make better things. we could save the money and put it to stopping homelessness or find cures to diseases. Or fund some of the schools and build new and upgrade schools. The background is the fact the US spends money like it’s water or air thinking they have plenty which the cold hard truth is money runs out but happiness does not. So we need to pay back all people and live without money for a while till we save and get more so we don't have. Is our debt out of control Yes or No? …show more content…

Not to borrow money and stop borrowing things that cost money. Or stop spending money to where we have to borrow. A big one is to reduce the size of worldwide troop presence which would get rid of 49 billion dollars of it. And to reduce the size of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to 30,000 that gets rid of 169 billion dollars of it believe it or not. Cut Cap Medicare Growth. If we cut that it will give us 562 billion dollars! So why aren't we doing these methods? Reducing benefits for those who have high incomes will save us 54 billion dollars all these methods will help tremendously.Returning estate and investment taxes back to the Clinton era.The Clinton era was when the debt was on a balanced budget and we had a surplus. If we had a balanced budget like in the Clinton era and surplus which means gaining we would all be gaining money instead of losing it but that would also mean more jobs and more work time. So the people that have jobs would have to work longer hours or longer days on. Payroll tax: Subjects income over 106,000 to the

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