National Council For Adoption Essay

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This organization is passionately committed to ensuring that every child deserves to thrive within a permanent family that is nurturing. National Council For Adoption’s mission primarily focus on meeting the needs of children, birth parents, adopted individuals, adoptive families, and everyone that has been touched by adoption. This includes all aspects through global advocacy, research, legislative actions, collaboration, and especially education.
Their vision is to provide a world for all children in which they may thrive in by ensuring children everywhere have nurturing, permanent families.

National Council For Adoptions started in 1980 as a project with its initial mission: educate individuals about downsides …show more content…

• The minimum time for babies to wait in "limbo" before their mothers could sign adoption papers would be stretched out to two weeks against the advice of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Resulting from the Model Act, many adoption agencies felt as if they were unable to take on these adoption controversies. In response to this, a group of concerned adoption agency representatives voted to initiate the National Committee For Adoption, later “Committee” changed to “Council”, and met at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. This organization worked diligently to revise the Model Act and advance the finding families for children.
This is a NGO (non-profit organization) as well as a non-sectarian organization that helps support ethical adoption policies as well as creates services. With this, they focus heavily on education to increase public understanding of adoptions. In hopes of this initial start-up, the program persistently works towards advocating that this will present a much more positive image/stigma towards adoptions and encourage individuals to view adoptions as a loving way to build nurturing, permanent

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