Narrative Essay On Mere Christianity

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As a Christian we all have to go through a period of brokenness and we don't go through that just once, it's throughout our walk with the Lord. Many do not want to go through that period of brokenness, I didn't want to go through that period of brokenness. But it has molded me into who I am today. I had a different outlook before I got serious in my walk with the Lord. I got to a point in life that I was going down a great path, I was going through life the best way I possibly could and then all of a sudden I saw myself fading into something that I am not but I felt like I didn't have the power to stop it. I ended up in a place where I was ashamed, I made decisions that I knew in my heart were not my true authentic self and I surrounded myself with people I normally would not surround myself with. There was a season when I would wake up in the morning and look at myself in the mirror and go I don't even like the person I see, much less how would I expect anyone else to like me and even more so how do I expect God to love me in the state I am in because I feel like I've made …show more content…

I have been blessed to work with the college ministry on campus and since the beginning of my internship, I felt the pull of the Lord to go into ministry. Definitely not what I had planned for my life but the Lord sees just how much I want to reach my people and tell them about the Message of the Cross. I want to see lives changed, chains broken, change happen, and hope restored. I have to admit going into ministry was the last thing I thought I would ever do. I have seen the ministry part, the church part and the people part that I told myself I would stay away from that. Funny how God works, isn't it? I struggled with what the Lord told me to do, than He reminded me of a journal entry from a while back and this is what it

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