Narcissism In The Army

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I’ve chosen to discuss narcissism due to my vast experiences with it in the Army for over a decade. It exists all around the workplace and can cause internal and external dysfunction. In the Army rank means everything. The higher you are up the ladder the more input you are allowed to have and the more people that fall below you. This can allow very young individuals without life experiences to be a position of power. There are many ways to gain rank and many times people gain rank to fast which in my opinion can be a direct cause to developing and issue with narcissism. "Good introductory paragraph
Reinforcement Theory and its Delicacy
I have seen the reinforcement theory time and time again and I do not think it is a positive …show more content…

When developing a performance based appraisal system it is important for the company to clearly outline how the scale works and what the benefits are of following the scale. This type of system is all about accessing and recording performances in order to reward the employee for his or her stellar performance. Like I stated within the reinforcement theory section that any time rewards are given can lead to a negative outcome. This is my opinion of course but I’ve seen performance appraisal backfire in the same manner. A company may be in a position at one time to reward employees a certain way for completing a task in a certain manner however this is not always the case. When a company begins this approach in many cases there is no coming back. The employees will always expect the same recognition and reward for that particular job. This can lead to an employee feeling entitled which can lead to a narcissistic attitude within the job. This particular approach backfired on me when I was first made platoon sergeant and I rewarded my soldiers for being on time and improving themselves both mentally and physically, example like scoring higher on their pt test. When a particular soldier was asked why they were trying so hard the soldier answered with, “The sergeant has promised fewer duties for the top soldiers that improves the most.” As you can imagine this did not go over well with my superiors because they …show more content…

Anyone who reads this post knows of a situation that fits the above description. This is why I think controlling narcissism falls squarely on the back of the individual. It is the individual’s responsibility to try and keep from developing bad habits. The people around you will look out for you when your directly on their mind or when they are directly involved with you but this is not always the case. I’ve struggled with many of these situations myself and sometimes you are completely oblivious to it happening. This is why I have a monthly sit down with myself where I plan out my future month and then look back on my previous month and write down all areas I could improve on. It has made life much easier to be organized and done wonders for me in other areas of my life. Organization can lead to much more success in all aspects of your

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