Nancy Kaglish Teenagers In Love

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Love is defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. Love is a universal emotion that can be felt at any age, yet most adults believe that adolescents are incapable of understanding the meaning of romantic love. According to Nancy Kalish in the article “Teenagers in Love” from Psychology Today, she states that a person’s early experiences as a youth, help define that person’s attitude about love as an adult. Kalish claims that “first love, young love, is indeed real love” (Kalish). However, this claim is misinterpreted First of all, teenagers are incapable of understanding romantic love due to their impulsive tendencies. In the Science News for Students article “The Teenage Brain” by Amanda Leigh Mascarelli, she explains that “dopamine …show more content…

If teenagers are in a relationship and can not handle a break up to the point where they take their own lives, then they have no business dating in the first place. Suicide is a very serious concept. To take one’s life means they do not have a reason to live. If someone is having a hard time in their relationship, they should talk it out like mature human beings instead of throwing a fit and just killing themselves. Nancy Kalish continues her article by explaining that “today’s teenagers date not for mate selection but for fun” (Kalish). Teenagers and fun should never go into the same sentence. When teenagers have fun they are only talking about one thing. That one thing almost always involves sexual intercourses. If you are in love then there is no need for somebody to be in a relationship for fun. Once somebody is in love the fun will eventually come, but relationships built around fun get nobody nowhere. When it comes to true love adolescents are evidently not committed for the proper reasons. Therefore, teenagers are not mature and capable enough of being in a true

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