NFL Departmental Policy Summary

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Through research and support from historical analysis, criminological theory, and support from the relevant branches of the criminal justice system the National Football League’s departmental policy on substance abuse has been in use and amended many different time since the early 1970’s. In the following paper recommendations will be made to help make changes to the NFL’s substance abuse policy, and it will address specific needs to help the National Football League clean up their image.
The NFL has had problem with substance abuse since the early 1980’s, often times this is just handled by the league and organizations alone. However, often there are arrests that are made due to certain substance abuse that happens this is where the courts …show more content…

If the Commissioner finds that there were aggravating circumstances, including but not limited to felonious conduct or serious injury or death of third parties, and/or if the Player has had prior drug or alcohol related misconduct, increased discipline may be imposed. Discipline for a second or subsequent offense, absent aggravating circumstances, will be a suspension without pay for a minimum of six (6) up to ten (10) regular and/or post-season games.” (NFL, 2016) This is the departmental policy that will amended to become a more strict policy. The punishment would be recommended to be changed in the first violation would be suspension without pay for eight games, the second violation would net a suspension of a full season, and the third strike would be a permanent suspension from the NFL with no pay. “Punishment is justified only to preserve the social contract. Therefore, the purpose of punishment is to prevent future transgressions by deterring socially harmful behavior. Only that amount of punishment necessary to offset the gains of harmful behavior is justified.” (McShane &Williams, 2014) This is supported by the classical school theory in that players are allowing themselves to be regulated through things such as testing, this is to allow the league to protect their image as well as deter individuals from violating …show more content…

This theory supports it by allowing the league to do what is best for the league, players, and fans. It simply allows punishment to deter any future violations of the new policy in place. Also, the labeling theory comes to mind if a player violates the substance abuse, or steroid policies of the NFL the player would obviously be labeled as a risk to have on your team in the future. The labeling theory means “that certain negative qualities are ascribed to people. The labeling may come from those closest in the individual's environment, from other social groups and finally from within the individual himself.” (Knuttson, 1977)
The policy would satisfy the public needs and views of the NFL being a soft league on violations. This would also support the aforementioned league image. The labeling theory, as well as the classical school theory justifies the appropriateness of policy recommended by to use the classical theory to support to minimizing the labeling theory of the players. This is done by simply lowering the number of violations by increasing the penalty for a

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