Vernonia School District V. Acton (1996)

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Vernonia School District v. Acton was a US Supreme court decision that aims to uphold the constitutionality affecting random drug testing implemented by local public schools in Vernonia, Oregon States. This provision mandates student athletes to undergo drug testing before they are going to be allowed to participate in sporting activities. This particular measure established by the constitution stated that it propagates any illegal use of any prohibited substances for students in order to preserve the integrity of the society in particular with handling against drug use. An official investigation led to the discovery that high school athletes in the Vernonia School District participated in illicit drug use. School officials were concerned that drug use increases the risk of sports-related injury. Consequently, the Vernonia School District of Oregon adopted the Student Athlete Drug Policy which authorizes random urinalysis drug testing of its student athletes Substance abuse materials may include marijuana, which is cannabis that is commonly used by teens. Marijuana is a prohibited substance using a process .The shredded pieces are going to be wrapped around by a sheet of paper and then it can be used as a cigarette to be smoked by the user (Mortison: p. 89). Using marijuana is considered illegal especially for student athletes because it endures bad image against other individuals to reckon the reputation of the school. Also, student athletes were considered role models in the school, and the district hoped that combatting athlete’s use of drugs would influence the rest of the school. The decision of the Supreme Court regarding the use of screening procedures to student athletes has been incorrect. . After an intense beginnin... ... middle of paper ... ... is one that a reasonable guardian and tutor might undertake.” And he concluded that given the mission of public schools, and the circumstances of this case, the searches required by the school board's policy were “reasonable” and thereby permissible under the Constitution's 4th Amendment. Works Cited Andrews, Mackenson. Principles of Morality. Seattle: Ponster Printing, pages 89-92. 2010. Print. Gevinson, Matilda. Ethical Rules on Sport’s Justice. Dallas: East Dallas Times, page 21. 2008. Print Harry, Patrick Hayes. Consequences of using marijuana in Athlete’s Health. Journal on Health. Chicago: Chicago University Press, pages 56-57. 2007. Print. Mortison, Imelda. Effects of pots in the Human Body. New York: Academic Press, pages 87-89. 2009. Print. Taylor, Hopkins. Substance abuse issues to Offending Athletes. Miami: Beachwood Press, pages 35-37. 2009. Print.

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