NCS Themes In The 1970s

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1. NCSS Theme(s) addressed in the lesson: a. Culture: This theme applies to this lesson, because the 1970s is examined on a political and economic perspective. Also, the political culture of the United States after the Watergate Scandal led to two weak and relatively unsuccessful presidencies. b. Time, Continuity, and Change: This theme applies to this lesson, because of the change in leadership and economic destabilization during the 1970s. The 1970s had three different Presidents: Nixon, Ford, and Carter. During the 1970’s the United States would see economic crisis and international political disasters. c. People, Place, and Environments: This theme applies to this lesson because there are several key people, such as the following: Ford, Carter, Ayatollah Khomeini, Kissinger. Also, there is the introduction to Afghanistan. The Middle East, Panama, Cambodia, and other …show more content…

Power, Authority, and Governance: This theme applies to this lesson, because this lesson examines the domestic and foreign policies of President Ford and President Carter. Also, the impact of the Watergate Scandal on Ford’s Presidency and the weakness of Carter’s Presidency to get safe return of the American hostages in Iran. f. Production, distribution, and consumption: This theme applies to this lesson, because Ford and Carter both failed to stop the Stagflation of the 1970 and the Oil Crisis of the 1970s. Both, Ford and Carter tried various domestic policies to fix the economic issues, but they were unable to fix it. Also the use of embargos and deregulation in order to combat the stagflation and the “WIN” program g. Science, Technology, and Society: This theme applies to this lesson, because the United States came to the realization that it was dependent on foreign oil. This OPEC’s actions caused a crisis when that oil is put in jeopardy. Additionally, the continued arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States had brought more innovations to the military and civilians

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