Myrtle Beach: A Short Story

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I have never really been one to believe in fate or destiny, per se. However, I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Many events needed to line up perfectly in order for Trevor and me to meet up in Myrtle Beach that weekend. I was about to start working at my first Army unit. I never expected that I was going to fall in love. Soon after I graduated from Advanced Individual Training (AIT), I flew home to California and purchased a new car. I couldn’t wait to drive it back to Fort Gordon, Georgia with a friend of mine, Rachel. After two exceptionally lengthy days of driving, we arrived at Fort Gordon. Since we obviously hadn’t gotten enough of my new car, we went off to Dahlonega, Georgia, to meet another friend of ours, KJ. While …show more content…

Once I was about an hour away from my new home at Fort Gordon, a soldier that went to AIT with, Bilbo, texted me and invited me to, you guessed it, Myrtle Beach! Instantly, I agreed. I couldn’t believe my luck! Not only was I about to spend a weekend in Myrtle Beach, but I was going to be meeting up with Crans, too! After I got in Bilbo’s car and we were headed out, I excitedly sent a flirty text to Trevor: “guess who’s coming to see you in Myrtle Beach?!” He responded in kind, and we made plans to get together once I arrived. The trip took much longer than I had originally expected, so we didn’t get there until well after the sun had gone down. We found a room at hotel to stay in that featured a gorgeous beach right outside. I notified Crans of our location, and before I knew it, he was …show more content…

Even more so if it’s night time, because I can’t see my feet, and frankly, that just freaks me out. I was very content with just hanging out with my friends on the shore. Trevor however, wouldn’t settle for the sand where there was a perfectly good ocean just yards away. To this day, I have no idea what possessed me to say yes, but after he promised that he wouldn’t let me go, we got into the water. I had never been in the Atlantic Ocean. Growing up in California, I thought that all oceans were cold, unless you in Hawaii, or another tropical area. I was pleasantly surprised that when I walked into the water, I didn’t have to fight the urge to run away from freezing waters. It was actually quite nice, made even better by the fact that I was being held by a handsome man. By the time we had gotten to a depth where the water reached my mid-rib cage, and Trevor’s waist, I saw that there was a large wave that was about to come crashing over us. He must have seen my face, and the scared expression on it because without even turning around to look, he just grabbed my hips and lifted me up over his head, letting the water rush right over him. In that moment, it was as if I were living life in slow motion, if only for a moment. I no longer felt anxious, or frightened. Instead, I felt safe. I felt comforted and free. At the very young age of 20, I felt myself falling for the man that was attached to the strong and sturdy hands that held me

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