Does Fate Exist In The Future

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Some people say that everyone has a destiny in life. That each and everyone of us has a purpose, a reasoning to be alive. Sometimes certain events occur in life that have people questioning “Why me?”. It truly troubled people to wonder why things would happen to them or even why things didn’t happen to them. In Medieval times, people came up with the idea of fate.
Fate is the reasoning for why things happen. It is believed that fate is destined and cannot be changed. Fate is supposed to be predetermined from the day you are born or technically you could say before you were born. Fate is somewhat considered a religious idea. It is said by religious people such as people of the church that God controls all things in life. That God is the creator of fate. Logical thinkers believe that there is no such thing as fate. They think that people have a great deal of …show more content…

Fate sometimes can be devastating and seemingly unfair. However, in all actuality, fate is just an idea. No one can truly prove that fate exists but no one can prove that it doesn’t either. People do have some control in what goes on in their life. Despite what circumstances may say you can't be or do something, if a person believes in themselves they can be whatever they want. There may be obstacles or things that interfere but when your mind is set like William, nothing can stand in the way of your dreams.
Fate can be explained simply as the purpose of ones life. There are things that occur in life that are seemingly just meant to be. William from the “Knight's Tale” was destined to be a knight, he was just slowed down by his circumstances in life but that did not stop him from achieving his dream. It does not matter where you were born or who you were born to if you put your mind to greatness. Your past does not determine your future. Fate may have a grip on what you are estimated to be but you can overcome anything you want. Fate is determined by the

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