My Sister Monologue

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Many seek a reason to live, that fills the hollowness of their hearts with purpose. My brother, who has Autism, is that purpose. He has influenced my character and my convictions In the past, like so many others, I needed to feel a sense of belonging in society, in my family, and in the world. Whenever I turned on the television and watched the news, there were always disturbing cases of people abusing, torturing, and mistreating individuals like my brother. Babysitters, employees, and institutions, hired to do the opposite. My brother is unable to talk or defend himself. With that sickening realization, I thought that he shouldn't be forsaken to a life like that. People judge him when he is throwing a tantrum, or the idiosyncrasies of Autistic children are displayed. I silently plead that their looks, their cruel comments, be directed at me. They can sneer and mock me, as long as it's not him. They stare at him like he's insane, an annoying, ill-mannered child, a monster. By-standers only glance and turn their backs on us, when my family needs support. I want to scream in anguish, explain to them that its' not his fault. All I can do is silently stare back, with anger fuming out of me. He may not be …show more content…

From that day forward, I decided that I would be the one people would have to kill to lay a single finger on him, the one who would go against the world, the one who would give up anything for him. That duty summoned determination, the courage to muster up the strength to overcome my obstacles. I had to stop my own immorality, because there was a person who was depending on me. Life has taken a heavy toll on my parents, and they are getting older. The time will come when my brother will be left in my care. I will love him and give him all the nurture that a sister can give to her younger brother. I will make sure he is safe and content, because if I don't, who

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