My Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy of Education

A famous author once said, “When you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” There is truth in that statement when we look at the nature of humans today. Today’s society is filled with people who are wondering around with no purpose or direction in life. People today are content with this helpless lifestyle and so generation after generation will continue until the society has no leaders. I attribute this directly to the education of these individuals. As a future teacher, I must look at what the nature of students has become, the nature of knowledge, and ask myself why we have public education. In order for me to be an effective educator, I must reevaluate my philosophy of education and what it means to me.

Many years ago, students were more focused and determined in their pursuit of an education. One of the factors for this was due to the emphasis that was put on memorization of information, and being able to recall this right down to the letter. As society has changed though, so has the nature of the students. Today’s students are more liberal, and are encouraged to be free-will thinkers. Educators’ expectations have been lowered, and are no longer concentrating on whether or not the students truly learn what is being taught. Today, many educators are satisfied with a student just being able to remember the information for only short periods of time. So rather than encouraging the students to be dedicated to learning the material and traveling their own path in life, we have encouraged them to simply get by and follow the lead of the current trend. This is not true for all educators, but the vast majority of teachers have fallen into thi...

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...heir students. Students today are different from the students of yesterday; therefore teachers must conform to reach this new style of student. Knowledge is relative and depends entirely upon the person, place, and or time. We must understand that the facts are not the same in every social setting and must master this in order to conform to the student’s nature. All curricular areas are important to a total education. I feel that my area of P.E. and HED are particularly important in helping kids think for themselves and make healthy life decisions. My philosophy of education is to view students as ever changing, knowledge as relative and changing with the students, and to help the students to become independent thinkers, free from the coercion of this trendy world. I feel that helping students to become independent thinkers is the best skill I can give them.

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