The Role of Education in Modern Society

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The Role of Education in Modern Society Functionalism is based on the notion of social consensus. They see society as consisting of distinguishable parts. All these parts have a clear role, which is to fulfil functions, which keeps the society whole and orderly. As applied to education, functionalists view the education system as fulfilling the important function of socialisation. E.g. the curriculum taught at school should reflect the common culture to ensure that pupils, who are all members of society, will act out their particular roles in society’s interests. According to the functionalist, education also transmits society’s norms and values, which promotes value consensus. Not only do functionalists see the various parts of society fulfilling functions they also see them working together. In the case of educational system, it’s often seen working together with the economical system as schools develop the skills required for the world of work. Naturally, functionalist have been criticised for their optimistic nature. Functionalists have been criticised for tending to assume the educational system is a meritocracy where pupils have an equal chance. However, evidence indicates that that isn’t true. E.g. working class and ethnic minority still underachieve. Also the educational system confirms pupils in their social positions rather than provide opportunities for achievement. E.g. middle class people get middle class jobs. One functionalist that is transmitting this view is Durkheim. Durkheim saw the main function of education as transmitting society’s norms and values. It’s vital for all societies to create social solidarity... ... middle of paper ... ...l compete these positions and only the talented will win through. Davis and Moore have been criticised for assuming that those who graduate from school will end up with the top jobs. Income is only weakly linked to educational attainment-you don’t always get what jobs you want. Also evidence suggests that social class prevents the education system from efficiently grading individuals in terms of ability. To conclude this essay, the functionalists have identified education as a crucial part of the socialisation process as it transmits and re-inforces society’s norms and values, prepares children for adult roles and selects young people in terms of their abilities for crucial roles. However, their views have been criticised for various reasons mainly for being to optimistic in how the educational system operates.

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