My Personal Philosophy And Philosophy Of Playing Sports

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Legendary coach John Wooden once said “A coach must never forget that he is a leader and not merely a person with authority”. This, I believe is a very important part of coaching, because as a coach you are looked not only as an authority figure but as a role model. I would not be the athlete or person that I am today, if it were not for the role models and coaches that pushed me to be the best that I could be. They were people that I was able to look up to athletically as well as people I knew I could trust. Having a good coaching philosophy is also a large part of being a respectable coach. A coaching philosophy is a set of values and beliefs that a coach develops to help covey his coaching style. My personal philosophy is: I am a coach because of my love for the game and my wanting to teach this passion to others. I believe that playing a sport will not only prepare a child to win, but also for life and the challenges that come with it. I will strive to help every athlete to compete to the best of their ability, while ensuring that are learning skills that will later on better them in their everyday lives. As a competitive athlete myself, I …show more content…

In playing sports and in life, there are certain goals that you plan to achieve. Having self-discipline will help you to work hard and smart enough to achieve these goals. A personal example of learning self- discipline, was when I failed my first fitness test for college softball. At first I felt defeated and like I was never going to pass. Then I decided that I was going to work on eating better, and running more so that I was able to pass and help my team win. I was able to discipline myself so that when I ran again I was able to pass with ease. Having this self-discipline enabled me to achieve a goal that I though was impossible. This is why I try to instill these skills into my athletes, so that they are able to feel the joy of achieving a personal

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