My Personal Experience: Myself As A Disadvantaged Student Education

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I have indicated myself as a disadvantaged student status on my AADSAS application. Here is a brief reiteration of why:

Before moving to Pittsburgh at the age of 13, I lived the majority of my childhood in Silver Spring, MD. But to truly start at the beginning of my story we must go even further back to when I lived in Pakistan. Pakistan is a third world country. My family was living in conditions that could be considered homeless. We lived in a household of ten people. Our `house ' was the size of a town house with limited water supply that was shared between neighborhoods. The population consisted of uneducated and low income individuals. To top it off we did not receive aid from the government as people do in the USA. There was no system in place at that time that aids the needy because the needy are almost half of the population. To succeed in such an environment you needed two things: connections and education. However education was an expensive endeavor. Thus my mother and father only completed schooling up to high school. My mother was a housewife and my father was a street merchant. He sold electronic parts at the flea market. Every morning at six am he would strap his …show more content…

He bet the winnings on applying for an American Visa and the bet paid off. In America we migrated to Silver Spring, MD. Silver Spring was the city where I spent the majority of my childhood from 4 to 13. Now I was not living in revamped downtown Silver Spring, I lived on the outskirts of the city. The part of the city where the apartment complex down the street was a regular convention spot for gang members of MS-13. Where we were only allowed to play in the backyard and stay outside no later than 6 pm. Silver Spring was an area where even the public elementary school had a scandalous history. Taking all this into account and still being a low income household, I would take this lifestyle over the lifestyle in Pakistan in a

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