My Personal Experience In Allegory Of The Cave

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In the story “Allegory of The Cave” there are prisoners being held in a cave. Until one of the prisoners broke free, but because the now free prisoner is still being held in a dark cave
Keep the tense present. since childhood he didn’t yet understand the outside world. He then made the choice to come to senses that the things he thought he saw in the dark cave was actually wrong. So he is now starting to learn the ways of how the outside world worked and began to adjust. With excitement that he went back to tell his old fellow prison mates, but because they were ignorant to the outside world they didn’t want to believe what he was saying. The free prisoner tried to free the other prisoners but they didn’t want to go because they thought …show more content…

I was a prisoner and locked by chains which was my mind and the cave was my confidence. For example, when I was younger I’d eat lunch by myself, even when I knew the answers I didn’t want to say it out loud in class, I just wanted to stay to myself. Try to elaborate (give minor supporting details) here. Maybe some instances to illustrate this: For example, once… Until I decided that I wanted to take off those chains of restrictions in my mind and come out of the dark cave which was my confidence. Like the prisoner in the story when he first came out of the cave, it was a bit hard I didn’t know how to find confidence within myself. But also like the prisoner being able to adapt to the outside world so was I, with the new found confidence I began to start talking to different people more, answering questions in class, and talk to girls. Good elaboration here. After some time past and I was fully adjusted to my new lifestyle, I went to talk to one of my family members that had the same problem. Elaborate here. What did you specifically talk about? When I went to talk to them, I tried to them to try and meet new people in class, stop being so standoffish, and look up with a smile to appear more approachable, but they decided to stay ignorant to my advice saying it won’t work just like the prisoners have done to the now free

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