My Outdoor Experience Essay

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A Little About Me and My “Outdoor Experience” As someone who finishing her sophomore year of college and will be starting as a junior in the fall, if I would have asked myself ten years ago, as a third or fourth grader, if I would ever consider a career involving bunches of writing, my answer would have been no. When I was young, every essay, story, and report I had to write I considered a chore, and for my career, I wanted to do something fun, like swim with dolphins for a living. Not that that would not have been possible if I put my mind to it, but it was not until I was able to begin using my writing skills with something else I loved that I actually fell in love with the art of writing, and began pondering a career with the two. It was a little later on when I discovered my passion for what I consider my favorite outdoor experience, agriculture. In middle school, I took my first agricultural education course, Introduction to Agriculture, and realized how …show more content…

I have had my mind set on majoring in agricultural communications for a very long time, and that decision would have not have occurred if it was not for each of these experiences, and I also would never have realized that a career in agricultural communications is my dream. In the fall, I will be continuing my studies by pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communications at the University of Florida, which I hope to complete in the spring of 2018. After graduation, my goal is to obtain a leadership position with an agricultural organization such as a fair, livestock show, or commodity board. There I plan to “agvocate” for both my employer and the agriculture industry as a whole by communicating with stakeholders and the

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