My Mother Pieced Quilts

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Quilt Essay
Family memories can be included in many objects expensive or not, handmade or store bought but they make some people feel more than others. Some remember heirlooms purpose and some don't respect them because they don’t like where they came from. In the poem "My Mother Pieced Quilts" by Teresa Acosta and the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, both author's use imagery and figurative language to establish a quilt as a symbol for the memories that make the family feel nostalgia about their love for each other.
In Teresa Acosta's poem "My Mother Pieced Quilts", Acosta uses imagery / and figurative language to establish the quilt as a symbol for family memories. The author is examining how the quilt is being put together as she pointed out "then she cemented / them with your needle / a thimble" (lines 17-19). The quilt was used to describe cementing the family memories together. The author also uses personification to represent the quilts as living, breaking memories, "stretched out they lay / armed/ ready/ celebrating" (lines 54-55). The quilt is a gathering of memories that are celebrating as you …show more content…

The author is explaining the memories associated with the quilt by saying "'These are all pieces of dresses Grandma used to wear. She did all this stitching by hand. Imagine!' She held the quilts securely in her arms, stroking them." (paragraph 29 lines 17-19) The quilt symbolizes the grandmother's love, because Wangero will always remember that the quilts were made of the grandmother's dresses she used to wear. Walker also shows the disrespect Wangero has for the quilt by saying "'What would you do with them?' 'Hang them,' she said. As is that was the only thing you could do with the quilts." (paragraph 31 lines 10-11). Wangero doesn’t realize that the quilts were stitched to be used and were not

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